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About us

pandapipes is a development by the Grid Planning and Grid Operation Division at the Fraunhofer Institute for Energy Economics and Energy System Technology (IEE), Kassel. Major contributions were made by the research group Energy Management and Power System Operation, University of Kassel. Tanja Kneiske is continuing to support the development of pandapipes at the Fraunhofer Research Institution for Energy Infrastructures and Geothermal Systems (IEG) in Cottbus and as chair of the department “Technology and Management Integrated Energy Infrastructures (TMIE)” at the TU Berlin.

Fraunhofer Institute for Energy Economics and Energy System Technology

Department of Energy Management and Power System Operation

Who we are

And these are some of the people behind pandapipes:

Dennis Cronbach (Fraunhofer IEE) had to fight windmills to create the fundamentals of what pandapipes is today - against all odds. He loves transferring concepts from physics into software to unlock more and more features.(He left the project in July 2022, but he is still with us in spirit. Thank you for the great work you did!)
Contact Dennis

Daniel Lohmeier (retoflow GmbH) is Mr. Speedy, as he put all his efforts into making pandapipes as performant in its calculation as it is today. He loves to be the first to write new and clean code.
Contact Daniel

Simon Ruben Drauz (retoflow GmbH) can run until time is up. He is the expert of controllers and time series calculations and converts all the concepts from pandapower to pandapipes.
Contact Simon

Jolando Kisse (University of Kassel) will always find a cool answer to all your questions and will never give up on it. As our newest core team member he caught up very fast and is now sitting in the drivers seat to push the pandapipes development.
Contact Jolando

Tanja Kneiske (Fraunhofer IEG/TU Berlin) is the initiator of the pandapipes project and brought the idea to life through her team. She is now the coordinator of the pandapipes development.
Contact Tanja

See full list of authors and contributors


Fraunhofer Institute for Energy Economics and Energy System Technology IEE
Grid Planning and Grid Operation Division
34117 Kassel

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